Outbound Link Summary:
Wednesday, 31. January 12001
p3k dots

suggested reading for usability testing: usability in acts (heinrich-hertz-insitute, berlin).

Tuesday, 30. January 12001
p3k dots

juchu! ein nigelnagelneuer salbader ist da!

corante – tech news. filtered daily. manually or automatically? what do you think, hannes? they say: "every day our expert editors scan hundreds of sources..." – how much time do those experts spend on scanning? are they scan experts then?

Monday, 29. January 12001
p3k dots

i know the song for years now but i have never seen that gorgeous video (until now, thanks to 3sat): sugarwater by cibo matto. viva la woman!

Saturday, 27. January 12001
p3k dots

zu dir oder zu mir? the interactive mir at russianspaceweb.com. who needs the moon when we got the mir? astronomy picture of the day (via robotwisdom).

hilarious: the completely fictional biography of the completely fictional media artist georg p. thomann. striking, hard and extensive labor provided by the austrian confusionist group monochrom. thanks for the link, rainer!

"metababy will re-open february 19, 2001. for real this time."

and yeah: why not try out metaness in the meantime ("get lost, change world, return")?

Friday, 26. January 12001
p3k dots

for now i am on an adventurous tour inside the "kong studios" together with the gorillaz.

Thursday, 25. January 12001
p3k dots

if hannes actually had a weblog he very probably would have posted this today: ginger in action.

fensterln 98 - bayerische windows-version – greetings to bavaria.