Outbound Link Summary:
Wednesday, 29. November 12000
p3k dots

...and i really liked the idea of the cuecat! well, at least if it was built into a mouse or even better a wireless device. however, its manufacturer is acting stupid with such a good idea: salon has a story about how akward it is to work with cuecat. and on slashdot users report how they got into trouble with digital:convergence tinkering with the pussy hardware.

descriptions of the different barcode types in english und auf deutsch. here's p3k in code-128 made with dlsoft barcode maker.

recently, german hip-hop band die fantastischen vier released their mtv unplugged album. as christmas present mtv will broadcast the director's cut of their performance in the balver cave. smudo got some pictures of the rehearsel.

those memories can't wait: eight years ago, just at the beginning of their steep career, the german answer on the furious five gave an interview to a bunch of teenagers who maintained a li'l news magazine at the local youth club in a small village quite close to the homebase of the fantastic four. the mag was called "arnold" just like that styrian, uhm, "actor" and the premises of the club were almost too small for the suddenly successful act and its screaming girly admirers...

if i remember it right, it was smudo who designed the cover of that "arnold" issue: we asked him to draw his version of mr universum.

and.y, another member of the former "terminal team", leads way back into time with a "fanta 4 history" including some snippets of the early works of "cool cat" (aka smudo), "big boss" (and.y), thomas d and "king burger b" (deejot hausmarke). makes me curious about what became of that guy called "chicken mc d", who joined the team for two weeks but then left for good... yet another tragedy of fame on denial?

Tuesday, 28. November 12000
p3k dots

feed magazine: "the butterfly effect – steven johnson talks with information-design experts jakob nielsen, bruce tognazzini, brenda laurel, and don norman about the ballot debacle in florida, and why usability matters."

i wish oliver wrede's article "designer und die brauchbarkeit" would be available in english to set a real counterpoint to this evergrowing usability-hype. it is just too hip to talk about usability and even worse, to focus on the personalities behind the buzz (which is not simply buzz all the time, i damit – heheh, beautiful typing mistake!). how does it come that we and them still need this cult of personality?

so what's that thingy called commercial design?

dzine: progressive design magazine in the usual teutonic boxy-design. ok good.* * sensomatic.net

event preview: on thursday, november 30, 2000 at 8pm barbara denk and karin holzfeind present their cd-rom "ribingu rumu – living room japan" at pen's bungalow/trixi+l, ecke glocken-/rotensterngasse, 1020 vienna. the project is about architecture and living in tokyo and kyoto. the evening features live sounds by michl veigl and photos from "24 hours new york" by nikola hansalik. the connex? long-ago lingo-limbo by p3k.

Monday, 27. November 12000
p3k dots

prophecy, evocation or randomness? tuxedomoon (usa) remixed & united on tour with dj hell on saturday, 2 december 2000 at flex, vienna. and: shit happens, on that weekend i will be in munich.

Friday, 24. November 12000
p3k dots

hey, the peops of mashica continue the wicked games they play: google as main entrance and patients that look so familiar but are restricted for nosy visitors like me.

Thursday, 23. November 12000
p3k dots

new release by boards of canada on november 27. did not know that they already produced such a heap of records...

am i the only one who notices some strange similarities between japan-english and euroranch (i mean, besides their addiciton to glossolaly <g>)?

– good night, pa. – good night, john-boy. see you tomorrow.