Module antville_archive/metaWeblog/

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Summary Period: 2003-07-22 to 2004-03-20



Lines of Code

Total Lines Of Code: 344 (2006-01-17 17:18)


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 7 (100.0%) 444 (100.0%) 63.4
robert 4 (57.1%) 399 (89.9%) 99.7
tobi 3 (42.9%) 45 (10.1%) 15.0

Most Recent Commits

tobi 2004-03-20 13:02

applied michael platzer's patches to the weblog apis
[see and]

38 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-12 17:44

cleaned up code

5 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-12 14:16

replaced all occurences of "weblog" with "site"

2 lines of code changed in:

robert 2003-11-23 19:30

getStaticUrl() was renamed to getUrl(), popupUrl() to getPopupUrl()

2 lines of code changed in:

robert 2003-09-07 23:05

(hopefully) merged all changes in antville_1_0 branch into main branch

101 lines of code changed in:

robert 2003-08-02 13:14

code reformatting

17 lines of code changed in:

robert 2003-07-22 14:01

merged changes done in antville_1_0 branch

279 lines of code changed in:

Generated by StatCVS 0.2.2