Summary Period: 2003-10-07 to 2003-12-08
Total Lines Of Code:
0 (2006-01-17 17:18)
Author | Changes | Lines of Code | Lines per Change |
Totals | 22 (100.0%) | 561 (100.0%) | 25.5 |
hannes | 11 (50.0%) | 560 (99.8%) | 50.9 |
robert | 11 (50.0%) | 1 (0.2%) | 0.0 |
0 lines of code changed in:
Use res.handlers.context to get the site/server title
7 lines of code changed in:
minor code formatting
1 lines of code changed in:
Added support for skinsets:
* Skins are attached to skinset rather than site objects
* Each site can have multiple skinsets
* Skinsets can inherit from each other
* Added subclasses of imagemgr and skinmgr that mount on root/manage
553 lines of code changed in:
Generated by StatCVS 0.2.2