Module antville_archive/syslog/

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Summary Period: 2002-03-27 to 2004-01-12



Lines of Code

Total Lines Of Code: 109 (2006-01-17 17:18)


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 25 (100.0%) 191 (100.0%) 7.6
robert 15 (60.0%) 162 (84.8%) 10.8
tobi 10 (40.0%) 29 (15.2%) 2.9

Most Recent Commits

tobi 2004-01-12 17:44

cleaned up code

7 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-12 16:52

set createtime format to logical order

1 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-12 16:47

updated the contents of the global help.js file to reflect the current macros and skins and by the way removed code which was either obsolete, deprecated or went into antvillelib

0 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-12 13:55

removed all <b> tags with <strong> and all <i> taqs with <em>

1 lines of code changed in:

robert 2003-12-08 23:45

changed because default layout was changed too

10 lines of code changed in:

robert 2003-12-08 23:43

modified layout

8 lines of code changed in:

robert 2003-11-23 20:05

replaced call of global image macro with layout.image

4 lines of code changed in:

robert 2003-08-02 14:19

modified comments

6 lines of code changed in:

robert 2003-08-02 13:50

minor reformatting

1 lines of code changed in:

robert 2003-01-02 19:56

accessing user-property sysadmin directly instead of calling function isUserSysAdmin (removed)

4 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2002-08-19 18:40

replaced <% imageurl %> macro by <% image as="url" %>

1 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2002-08-09 17:45

replaced all occurrences of "this" with the name of the corresponding prototype

5 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-06-26 19:26

changed because the prototype weblog was renamed to site

2 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-06-26 18:03

changed according to new database-schema:
- all tables are prefixed with AV_
- WEBLOG was renamed to AV_SITE
- GOODIE was renamed to AV_FILE
- all columns are prefixed with the table-name (without table-prefix)
- foreign keys follow a specific naming-convention
(for details see

10 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2002-06-04 19:34

replaced td attribute "background" with appropriate style attribute for xhtml compatibility (this is supposed to be a transitional fix, in the end there should be a class/id doing the job)

1 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2002-06-04 18:27

modified code on the search for xhtml compatibility (mainly adding quotes to non-quoted attribute values)

7 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2002-06-03 19:08

fixed markup to be xhtml compatible

6 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-06-02 18:04

changed code to run with snapshot 20020531-fc:
- removed explicit writing of prefix and suffix to response-object (helma's doing that from now on)

0 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-06-02 17:26

now using new global function isUserSysAdmin()
change code according to helma's new session/usermodel
- removed explicit writing of prefix and suffix (helma's doing that from now on)

5 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-03-27 12:03

initial check-in

112 lines of code changed in:

Generated by StatCVS 0.2.2