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Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 6461 (100.0%) 199411 (100.0%) 30.8
czv 44 (0.7%) 1220 (0.6%) 27.7
hannes 4311 (66.7%) 137672 (69.0%) 31.9
kmfdm 79 (1.2%) 2728 (1.4%) 34.5
lehni 100 (1.5%) 6114 (3.1%) 61.1
michi 16 (0.2%) 11422 (5.7%) 713.8
robert 20 (0.3%) 658 (0.3%) 32.9
stefanp 942 (14.6%) 29065 (14.6%) 30.8
tobi 949 (14.7%) 10532 (5.3%) 11.0

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Lines of Code

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Author Activity

Generated by StatCVS 0.2.2