Summary Period: 2003-02-14 to 2005-04-06
Total Lines Of Code:
183 (2006-01-13 18:49)
Author | Changes | Lines of Code | Lines per Change |
stefanp | 27 (100.0%) | 585 (100.0%) | 21.6 |
no message
0 lines of code changed in:
converted to new jgroups xml format
15 lines of code changed in:
version number 0.7
2 lines of code changed in:
default groupname is helma
1 lines of code changed in:
reformatted, set groupname as name of protocol-stack
191 lines of code changed in:
default binding to localhost
added params bind_port and port_range to UDP config which define
the ports taken by the GMS protocol
7 lines of code changed in:
fixed test script
4 lines of code changed in:
increased version number to 0.5.1
2 lines of code changed in:
upgraded to version 0.5
2 lines of code changed in:
renamed all occurrences of javagroups to jgroups
included COMPRESS protocol in default.xml
74 lines of code changed in:
upgraded to version 0.4
2 lines of code changed in:
added testscripts that show version of helmagroups,
test config and create a group without running helma.
-sender and -receiver options use javagroups-testclasses to
check multicast traffic
89 lines of code changed in:
set generic example ips
3 lines of code changed in:
added config files for udp- and tcp-stack and debugging
193 lines of code changed in:
Generated by StatCVS 0.2.2