Summary Period: 2005-03-10 to 2005-12-19
Total Lines Of Code:
1409 (2006-01-13 18:49)
Author | Changes | Lines of Code | Lines per Change |
hannes | 48 (100.0%) | 1632 (100.0%) | 34.0 |
Committing patch from Juerg Lehni:
* Add String getContent(String encoding) method to Resource interface.
* Propagate IOExceptions in FileResource.getContent().
* Make FileResource.getContent() more robust by not assuming all data can
be read in one single blow.
* Do lazy byte->char conversion in ZipResource.getContent() in the String
constructor rather than a Reader.
45 lines of code changed in:
* Provide a getter for the repository's directory.
9 lines of code changed in:
Should fix bug 434 <>
* Synchronize all methods that call/rely on update().
* Make sure repositories and resources are not null after update() has been called.
18 lines of code changed in:
Set parent in MultiFileRepository child repositories, otherwise order is lost in Application.addRepository()
8 lines of code changed in:
MultiFileRepository contributed by Barbara Ondrisek:
A subclass of FileRepository that treats all subdirectories as top-level file repositories
(instead of than treating them as prototype directories)
121 lines of code changed in:
ResourceComparator is never used with ResourceTrackers
2 lines of code changed in:
Make FileRepository(File) constructor public again, it is used from the helma.main and helma.servlet packages.
3 lines of code changed in:
- Make sure our file has an absolute path, otherwise we run into inconsistent behaviour
of File.exists()
9 lines of code changed in:
- Make sure our directory has an absolute path, otherwise we run into inconsistent behaviour
of File.exists()
- Throw exception if directory exists and is not a directory
- Rename dir instance variable to directory
31 lines of code changed in:
Make constructor public.
3 lines of code changed in:
Enhanced/fixed Javadoc for getRootRepository()
4 lines of code changed in:
- Return the logical/script root in AbstractRepository.getRootRepository(). Fixes bug 425.
- Added some Javadoc comments.
35 lines of code changed in:
Fix bug where directories wrongly adopted resources as their children.
7 lines of code changed in:
Don not use potentially deprecated ZipEntry to get an entry's size. The entry
may have been generated for an old version of the zip file and not exist at all.
As a fix, don't store the ZipEntry at all in ZipResource, just the ZipEntry's name.
36 lines of code changed in:
Set lastmodified to 0 if repository doesn't exist
3 lines of code changed in:
Add todo note in getUrl()
4 lines of code changed in:
* Implement createResource() method so child resources can be used even if they don't exist
* Fix horrible bug in update() where child items were created that weren't child resources at all
72 lines of code changed in:
Introduced Resource.getBaseName() to return name with extension cut off.
Fixed Resource lookup failure on Windows.
39 lines of code changed in:
* Implemented hashCode() and equals(Object) for all Repository and Resource implementations
* Some code improvements and minor fixes
65 lines of code changed in:
Display absolute path name for getName() and toString() in stand-alone file resources.
4 lines of code changed in:
(3 more)
Generated by StatCVS 0.2.2