·The [hydrants
Christine Zmölnig
Jo Luick
Morgan Russell
Tobi Schäfer
[hydra Biographies![]()
Christine Zmölnig
Born 1972 in Carinthia, Austria. Studied Graphic design at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, Masterclass Tino Erben. Final Exame in January 1997 with the project [hydra, prototype of a new hypermedia-browser (together with Jo Luick and Tobias Schäfer). In June 1997 realisation of a japanese version of [hydra in Kyoto, Japan, together with Morgan Russell and Mitsuhiro Takemura. Since 1997 conception and design of various multimedia and printdesign projects.Jo Luick
Born 1971 near Stuttgart, Germany. Graduated 1997 as technical writer at the University of Applied Sciences in Hannover. Several years experience as new media project manager. Strategized and conceptualized several new media projects. Interest in user interaction. Developed in winter 1996/97 [hydra together with Christine Zmölnig and Tobi Schäfer. In June 1997 development of a japanese edition facilitated by Morgan Russel and Mitsuhiro Takemura.Morgan Russell
Morgan Russell is a social amphibian, samurai organizer, and living enigma who haunts the cafes of the world, particularly those of Budapest and Amsterdam. Ted Nelson has said, "I never knew what a socialite was before. (Morgan's) just like Bruce Wayne!" It is often said, "Morgan knows everyone!" This is not true – he merely knows almost everyone. If you know almost everyone and Morgan doesn't know you, please send your dossier and medical records to M.R., c/o LIVA, Brucknerhaus, Untere Donaulände 7, A-4010 Linz. M.R. founded "VR Everywhere!" and its performance/propaganda arm, Unofficial Reality Incorporated, in Budapest and Den Haag, respectively, in 1990. M. R. has been involved with VR since its early commercial days. He has dragged scores of willing victims into Autodesk to subject them to the terrors of VR. M.R. is a partner in Fun City Megamedia, publisher of "Mondo 2000" magazine, and has been an editor and publisher of "Reality Hackers" and "High Frontiers" magazines. M.R. sometimes writes for the "Whole Earth Review".Tobi Schäfer
Released 1971 in Germany. Studies in Technical Writing at the University of Applied Sciences in Hannover. Since 1996 research, conception, programming and design in the field of interactive media. Graduation in 1997 with the project [hydra, an evocation of a new hypermedia system, in cooperation with Christine Zmölnig and Jo Luick. In June 1997 realisation of [hydra Digital Japanesque, a japanese version of [hydra, at Research Center for Media Aesthetics, Kyoto, Japan, in cooperation with Morgan Russell and Mitsuhiro Takemura.
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