Summary Period: 2001-06-18 to 2004-03-20
Total Lines Of Code:
1170 (2006-01-17 17:18)
Author | Changes | Lines of Code | Lines per Change |
Totals | 502 (100.0%) | 4030 (100.0%) | 8.0 |
robert | 296 (59.0%) | 2954 (73.3%) | 9.9 |
tobi | 152 (30.3%) | 686 (17.0%) | 4.5 |
hannes | 48 (9.6%) | 333 (8.3%) | 6.9 |
michi | 6 (1.2%) | 57 (1.4%) | 9.5 |
fixed bug that caused "allow comments" checkbox to be checked all the time
1 lines of code changed in:
changed content_macro(): use images.get(), otherwise an image whose name is a number (eg. 1001) won't be found
2 lines of code changed in:
modified getRenderedContentPart(): it now accepts a second parameter defining any special formatting of the content part (currently "plaintext" and "alttext")
31 lines of code changed in:
modified content_macro(): pass to getRenderedContentPart() since the latter now accepts different text formats (plaintext, alttext ...)
2 lines of code changed in:
committed matthias platzer's language patch
20 lines of code changed in:
added missing semicolon
1 lines of code changed in:
* removed obsolete code
* updated for using antville library
1 lines of code changed in:
- changed removal of comments: use comment.remove() instead of calling the parent's remove method (which is deprecated in helma)
- "notify" all comment collections with removeChild() because of aggressive cachemode (otherwise they won't be reloaded)
8 lines of code changed in:
cleaned up code
11 lines of code changed in:
cleaned up code
13 lines of code changed in:
slight changes
1 lines of code changed in:
replaced all occurences of "weblog" with "site"
1 lines of code changed in:
modified delete_actions and corresponding
8 lines of code changed in:
merged skins representing two different states of an object (e.g. online/offline stories) into by using the newly added antvillelib's switch_macro
3 lines of code changed in:
removed backwards compatibility
1 lines of code changed in:
removed deprecated or outdated code by enhancing the macro calls in the skin
7 lines of code changed in:
slightly modified layout
1 lines of code changed in:
check if topic name is already reserved word (e.g. action or function name) and display error message if so
2 lines of code changed in:
added <br />
1 lines of code changed in:
fixed backlinks (strange enough, i believed i've seen it working...)
1 lines of code changed in:
(356 more)
Generated by StatCVS 0.2.2