Summary Period: 2001-04-16 to 2004-02-17
215 (1.4%)
1987 (0.7%)
Directory | Changes | Lines of Code | Lines per Change |
Totals | 215 (100.0%) | 1987 (100.0%) | 9.2 |
antville_archive/global/ | 9 (4.2%) | 147 (7.4%) | 16.3 |
antville/code/Global/ | 9 (4.2%) | 147 (7.4%) | 16.3 |
antville_archive/site/ | 9 (4.2%) | 133 (6.7%) | 14.7 |
antville/code/Site/ | 9 (4.2%) | 133 (6.7%) | 14.7 |
mailclient/root/ | 8 (3.7%) | 120 (6.0%) | 15.0 |
mailclient/folder/ | 5 (2.3%) | 107 (5.4%) | 21.4 |
mailclient/message/ | 5 (2.3%) | 105 (5.3%) | 21.0 |
gong/root/ | 17 (7.9%) | 98 (4.9%) | 5.7 |
mailclient/global/ | 3 (1.4%) | 62 (3.1%) | 20.6 |
antville_archive/story/ | 6 (2.8%) | 57 (2.9%) | 9.5 |
antville/code/Story/ | 6 (2.8%) | 57 (2.9%) | 9.5 |
antville_archive/comment/ | 3 (1.4%) | 56 (2.8%) | 18.6 |
antville/code/Comment/ | 3 (1.4%) | 56 (2.8%) | 18.6 |
mailclient/bodypart/ | 6 (2.8%) | 52 (2.6%) | 8.6 |
gong/page/ | 16 (7.4%) | 52 (2.6%) | 3.2 |
gong/global/ | 12 (5.6%) | 46 (2.3%) | 3.8 |
antville_archive/imagemgr/ | 5 (2.3%) | 46 (2.3%) | 9.2 |
antville_archive/image/ | 8 (3.7%) | 46 (2.3%) | 5.7 |
antville/code/ImageMgr/ | 5 (2.3%) | 46 (2.3%) | 9.2 |
antville/code/Image/ | 8 (3.7%) | 46 (2.3%) | 5.7 |
mailclient/ | 3 (1.4%) | 43 (2.2%) | 14.3 |
antville_archive/imagetopicmgr/ | 3 (1.4%) | 39 (2.0%) | 13.0 |
antville/code/ImageTopicMgr/ | 3 (1.4%) | 39 (2.0%) | 13.0 |
antville_archive/topic/ | 2 (0.9%) | 27 (1.4%) | 13.5 |
antville/code/Topic/ | 2 (0.9%) | 27 (1.4%) | 13.5 |
antville_archive/ | 8 (3.7%) | 21 (1.1%) | 2.6 |
mailclient/hopobject/ | 3 (1.4%) | 18 (0.9%) | 6.0 |
gong/hopobject/ | 1 (0.5%) | 15 (0.8%) | 15.0 |
antville_archive/day/ | 2 (0.9%) | 15 (0.8%) | 7.5 |
antville/code/Day/ | 2 (0.9%) | 15 (0.8%) | 7.5 |
antville_archive/membership/ | 1 (0.5%) | 12 (0.6%) | 12.0 |
antville/code/Membership/ | 1 (0.5%) | 12 (0.6%) | 12.0 |
antville/ | 2 (0.9%) | 12 (0.6%) | 6.0 |
antville_archive/user/ | 1 (0.5%) | 10 (0.5%) | 10.0 |
antville/code/User/ | 1 (0.5%) | 10 (0.5%) | 10.0 |
antville/code/ | 6 (2.8%) | 9 (0.5%) | 1.5 |
antville_archive/hopobject/ | 1 (0.5%) | 6 (0.3%) | 6.0 |
antville/code/HopObject/ | 1 (0.5%) | 6 (0.3%) | 6.0 |
antville_archive/skinmgr/ | 2 (0.9%) | 5 (0.3%) | 2.5 |
antville_archive/root/ | 1 (0.5%) | 5 (0.3%) | 5.0 |
antville/code/SkinMgr/ | 2 (0.9%) | 5 (0.3%) | 2.5 |
antville/code/Root/ | 1 (0.5%) | 5 (0.3%) | 5.0 |
antville_archive/skin/ | 2 (0.9%) | 3 (0.2%) | 1.5 |
antville_archive/db_support/patches/ | 1 (0.5%) | 3 (0.2%) | 3.0 |
antville_archive/db_support/ | 3 (1.4%) | 3 (0.2%) | 1.0 |
antville/db/patches/ | 1 (0.5%) | 3 (0.2%) | 3.0 |
antville/db/ | 3 (1.4%) | 3 (0.2%) | 1.0 |
antville/code/Skin/ | 2 (0.9%) | 3 (0.2%) | 1.5 |
hensolite/root/ | 1 (0.5%) | 1 (0.1%) | 1.0 |
gong/ | 1 (0.5%) | 0 (0.0%) | 0.0 |
minor fixes of matthias' language patch
6 lines of code changed in:
fixed typo introduced by matthias' patch
2 lines of code changed in:
(finally) merged imagetopics branch to HEAD
584 lines of code changed in:
fixed bug in linkedpath macro which occured when using this on a site, which is the front site of an antville installation; i.e. if no exist
4 lines of code changed in:
fixed tiny typo in comments
2 lines of code changed in:
implemented RSS feeds for topics (and days) by simply wrapping the site.rss_action
42 lines of code changed in:
fixed evalURL, so that web addresses with @ are possible
2 lines of code changed in:
fixed a bug in evalURL(): http:// was preprended to the URL even if it started with mailto:
2 lines of code changed in:
bugfixing: if the story is edited by someoneelse than the creator of the story, then editableby was set to NULL, and therefore the story could only be edited by the creator in the following.
2 lines of code changed in:
disabled the setting of the value of an input-tag to the request-object-value for buttons, since this does not make sense, and furthermore would lead to ugly values as soon as Umlauts are involved;
2 lines of code changed in:
corrected confirm.welcomeSite to confirm.welcome
4 lines of code changed in:
removed incorrect quotation marks from confirm.imageDelete and confirm.fileCreate
4 lines of code changed in:
fixed bug 192: corrected iisClean()-function, so that it does not allow the character ^ anymore
2 lines of code changed in:
renamed prototype thing to page
also adapted some of the function names accordingly
30 lines of code changed in:
* adapted the application to helma 1.2, i.e. new and skins instead of hsp-templates
* enabled macros in wikithings
* implemented macro to render the text of certain other wikithings into the layout, resp. into other wikithings
* couple of minor bug fixes
181 lines of code changed in:
Initial revision
507 lines of code changed in:
added xmlrpcaccess
6 lines of code changed in:
typo in previous update
4 lines of code changed in:
basically implemented the chronological history list and did some additional minor changes
weblog/objectFunctions.js -> modifytime is set to current Date at creation time
story/objectFunctions.js -> modifytime is set to current Date at creation time
comment/objectFunctions.js -> modifytime is set to current Date at creation time; isonline is set to 1 at creation time; added function isOnline()
weblog/ -> two additional subnode-containers: allstories, allcomments
weblog/macros.js -> implemented history_macro which renders List of recently modified Objects
story/ -> will be rendered by the weblog-history macro
comment/ -> will be rendered by the weblog-history macro
weblog/ -> included
story/ -> included
weblog/ -> included "history", "historyStory" and"historyComment" classes
weblog/ -> newly created
story/macors.js -> title_macro can be rendered as a link; comments_macro renders an invisible anchor-tag before each comment
comment/macors.js -> title_macro can be rendered as a link; replies_macro renders an invisible anchor-tag before each comment
eliminated renderPrefix() and renderSuffix()
documentation.htm -> updated
596 lines of code changed in:
just corrected a typo: varchar(2) instead of varchar2(2)
4 lines of code changed in:
(1 more)
Generated by StatCVS 0.2.2