Rabbit 1.1

Rabbit 1.1

This document is the API Specification for Rabbit 1.1.


A framework for providing kind of rapid application prototyping features in Helma.

File Summary
.jsdoc/HopObject.js Default fields and methods of the HopObject class.
.jsdoc/Root.js Default fields and methods of the Root class.
.jsdoc/XmlMap.js The XmlMap constructor.
Global/rabbit.HopObject.js Additional fields and methods of the HopObject class provided by the Rabbit framework.
Global/Rabbit.js Fields and methods of the Rabbit class.
Global/rabbit.Root.js Additional fields and methods of the Root class provided by the Rabbit framework.
XmlMap/XmlMap.js Fields and methods of the XmlMap class.

Rabbit 1.1

Documentation generated by JSDoc on Thu Feb 15 20:58:41 2007