Commit Log (Page 22 of 89)

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Summary Period: 2004-01-14 to 2004-01-09 (Commits 3309-3358 of 4408)

tobi 2004-01-14 14:33

changed redirect url in sysmgr.edit_action after clicking the save button

2 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-14 14:32

fixed bug that caused the spamfilter to stop from working

2 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-14 14:30

fixed bug that caused empty aliases being created from file names starting with a period (e.g. ".htaccess")

12 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-13 16:39

fixed macro help to finally work one day...

102 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-13 16:37

do not return macro results but instead directly write them to the buffer

8 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-13 16:37

sync'd with updated library

0 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-13 16:36

* re-added hopobject.url_macro as user-friendly wrapper for hopobject.href_macro
* replaced all xxx.href macro calls to xxx.url

68 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-13 15:34

removed commented and thus obsolete html code

2 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-13 15:33

added as="link" option to url_macro

12 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-13 15:24

removed hopobject.url_macro and replaced macro calls with the href macro

20 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-13 15:20

cleaned up code

4 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-13 13:25

cleaned up code

104 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-13 11:56

* added skinmgr.globalmacros_macro and prevented output of global macros in skinmgr.macros_macro
* fixed bug that caused exception in skinmgr.skinmacros_macro when displaying a custom skin
* fixed default prototype names according to latest helma changes (starting with uppercase)

200 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-13 11:19

fixed bug that caused incorrect output of the year in <dc:rights> tags

4 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-12 18:33

fixed bug that caused incorrect output of the year in <dc:rights> tags

4 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-12 17:44

cleaned up code

716 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-12 17:39

* removed obsolete function
* added return at end of a function wherever missing

4 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-12 17:33

removed obsolete file

0 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-12 17:15

fixed bug that caused skin macros to be displayed in one line and unsorted

14 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-12 16:57

slight changes

4 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-12 16:52

* removed deprecated wrapper macros for output of
* replaced call for deprecated macro with response.xxxlist

2 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-12 16:52

set createtime format to logical order

2 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-12 16:51

replaced site.href url with response.action

2 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-12 16:50

modified way how is embedded (we now even could move its contents in here and drop the skin)

2 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-12 16:49

added rss_xml_action wrappers for rss_action

34 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-12 16:47

updated the contents of the global help.js file to reflect the current macros and skins and by the way removed code which was either obsolete, deprecated or went into antvillelib

496 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-12 16:20

* removed deprecated wrapper macros for output of
* replaced call for deprecated macro with response.xxxlist

2 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-12 15:47

* removed deprecated wrapper macros for output of
* replaced call for deprecated macro with response.xxxlist

2 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-12 14:47

* removed deprecated wrapper macros for output of
* replaced call for deprecated macro with response.xxxlist

6 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-12 14:16

replaced all occurences of "weblog" with "site"

128 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-12 13:55

removed all <b> tags with <strong> and all <i> taqs with <em>

42 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-12 13:47

decreased vertical space between list items

12 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-12 13:47

modified delete_actions and corresponding

166 lines of code changed in:

robert 2004-01-11 18:02

fixed staticPath that was checked in erronously

4 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-09 20:59

sync'd with updated library

0 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-09 20:58

replaced res.push/popStringBuffer with res.push/pop only

68 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-09 20:57

added switch_macro

24 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-09 20:56

replaced "this" with prototype's name

24 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-09 20:52

added proto_macro to get correct macro syntax for global macros

20 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-09 20:48

rewrote skin help by moving content of the file into a readable object structure which is transformed into a more scripting-compatible object tree at startup

1020 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-09 20:40

removed obsolete skin descriptions

0 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-09 20:39

removed obsolete skin references

6 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-09 20:33

added missing return

2 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-09 20:32

replaced "this" with "topicmgr"

2 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-09 20:31

* removed deprecated wrapper macros for output of
* replaced call for deprecated macro with response.xxxlist

2 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-09 20:30

wording: use "Macro" instead of "Code"

2 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-09 20:29

use root.url instead of root.sys_url

2 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-09 20:25

use <strong> tag instead of <b>

4 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-09 20:24

store redirect url in a variable since it is used more than once

6 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2004-01-09 20:22

fixed bug that caused random sorting of memberships

20 lines of code changed in:

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