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Summary Period: 2003-10-11 to 2003-09-07 (Commits 2809-2858 of 4408)
modified assignment of root.sys_allowEmails, it should be an integer (or null) instead of a string
2 lines of code changed in:
modified debug output of flushMailQueue()
14 lines of code changed in:
check if notification is enabled for a site by calling isNotificationEnabled()
12 lines of code changed in:
- added method isNotificationEnabled() that does a basic check if email notification is enabled for a site
- simplified level checks in sendNotification(), removed commented out code
26 lines of code changed in:
Forgot to commit when checking in skinsets: displays a dropdown chooser for
skinsets on the preferences page. I don't know if this is a good idea, but with the
current code in site/edit_action it's required, otherwise the site's skinset will be
when saving preferences.
12 lines of code changed in:
* all notification e-mails are now sent via site/sendNotification function
* removed option to get notifications only for new comments
* added check if receipient is identical with the creator/modifier of the modified object
* made use of sendMail function
90 lines of code changed in:
simplified notification_macro and adjusted wording
24 lines of code changed in:
added mail.notification message
2 lines of code changed in:
* (now with capital Q) is defined in onStart function
* modified sendMail function to add multiple recipients via addBCC method
12 lines of code changed in:
added main_action to redirect to the same url that is available via the "download" link in the file manager
18 lines of code changed in:
all notification e-mails are now sent via site/sendNotification function
(ie. story/sendNotification was removed.)
12 lines of code changed in:
* added "form" anchors just above comment and reply forms
* implemented anchor parameter in comment/replylink_macro to directly scroll to the form
8 lines of code changed in:
moved skin for notification mail body from global/ to site/
34 lines of code changed in:
* modified sendMail function to queue mails instead of immediately sending them
* fixed a small bug that caused an error message due to an undefined mail queue array
18 lines of code changed in:
Beatification of skinset creation form (table, style)
32 lines of code changed in:
Added support for skinsets:
* Skins are attached to skinset rather than site objects
* Each site can have multiple skinsets
* Skinsets can inherit from each other
* Added subclasses of imagemgr and skinmgr that mount on root/manage
14 lines of code changed in:
Added support for skinsets:
* Skins are attached to skinset rather than site objects
* Each site can have multiple skinsets
* Skinsets can inherit from each other
* Added subclasses of imagemgr and skinmgr that mount on root/manage
1658 lines of code changed in:
Use status page rather than sites page as system management entry page
2 lines of code changed in:
Make text inputs for font names 40 chars wide
20 lines of code changed in:
Added error action
28 lines of code changed in:
* added queue method to Mail prototype for sending e-mail notifications via scheduler
* added flushMailQueue to send mail objects contained in the mail queue (ie.
* added call for flushMailQueue from the scheduler function
* changed mail.send() to mail.queue() in sendNotification functions
62 lines of code changed in:
Remove font-size definition from local style
0 lines of code changed in:
redirect to the site's edit mask after preferences were saved
2 lines of code changed in:
implemented first version of e-mail notification using kris' contribution (with slight modifications):
* since site preferences are stored as xml the corresponding code had to be adjusted
* currently, no notification is sent if a story's status changes from offline to online (abuse factor is too high)
* there's only one global notification skin used for the mail body
* the sender is always set to sys_email to avoid the bounce problem we already had with registration mails
342 lines of code changed in:
reduced and simplified conditional checks in evalURL()
12 lines of code changed in:
bugfix: use instead of this._parent since checkAccess() is also called for topics (and the parent of a topic is topicmgr)
2 lines of code changed in:
fixed evalURL, so that web addresses with @ are possible
2 lines of code changed in:
removed double entry of line defining Http.toString method
0 lines of code changed in:
the end of pixel gifs to be uploaded is nigh...
56 lines of code changed in:
Interpret no="" in commentcounter macro as to simply print out nothing
if there are no comments.
2 lines of code changed in:
changed sentence structure of important note for better instruction
10 lines of code changed in:
added "important note" to warn from not converting site data to the new database scheme before proceeding
28 lines of code changed in:
initial check-in
20 lines of code changed in:
added support for fallback image (
4 lines of code changed in:
moved content of .hac files to actions.js file
0 lines of code changed in:
fixed missing <p> tag for xhtml compliance
1 lines of code changed in:
slightly modified display of uptime
1 lines of code changed in:
only send registration confirmation mail if root.sys_email is set (otherwise eg. antclick users would get an error message during setup)
16 lines of code changed in:
removed second drop statement of column SITE_TEXTFONT
0 lines of code changed in:
added column SITE_PREFERENCES, removed preference columns that are now stored xml encoded in SITE_PREFERENCES (includes db-patches 20030729 and 20030728)
4 lines of code changed in:
Tentative code to set the colorpicker to the color of the selected textclass
(works only if the color matches one in the color raster 100%)
36 lines of code changed in:
Make XHTML complient
12 lines of code changed in:
refactored, condensed and fixed the whole application
179 lines of code changed in:
Add a preview area to the colorpicker and make it possible
to edit all colors at once.
248 lines of code changed in:
introduced new deny.* messages (the former *Denied messages) that are used by DenyException objects
72 lines of code changed in:
added constants ONEMINUTE, ONEHOUR and ONEDAY
14 lines of code changed in:
modified addstory_macro() because checkAdd() now possibly throws an exception
10 lines of code changed in:
modified editlink_macro(), deletelink_macro(), onlinelink_macro() and viewlink_macro() since checkXxx methods now throw an exception
68 lines of code changed in:
- modified history_macro() since checkView throws an exception
- use constant ONEDAY in age_macro()
10 lines of code changed in:
modified editlink_macro(), deletelink_macro(), closelink_macro() and viewlink_macro() since checkXxx methods now throw a DenyException
58 lines of code changed in:
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