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Summary Period: 2002-03-11 to 2002-02-06 (Commits 1109-1158 of 4408)

stefanp 2002-03-11 15:46

modified header in apidocs

134 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2002-03-11 14:49

Initial revision

2864 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-03-11 10:04

display url of user instead of email-address in searchresult

12 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2002-03-08 17:31

changed modifytime to lastupdate (must have missed the progression)

4 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2002-03-08 16:30

removed java simple date format class (hoboken knows why i used it once)

8 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2002-03-08 15:55

added output of dc:date for items, as well as a date stamp in the desription

16 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2002-03-08 15:54

added dc:date tags to items

2 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-03-07 16:53

Adapted bloggerapi to new parameters in storymgr/evalNewStory()
and improved error handling.

24 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2002-03-07 14:11

dropped namespace declaration for xmlns:ti

0 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2002-03-07 14:04

antville topics now are reflected in <dc:subject>

4 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2002-03-05 12:01

added testing for null before xml encoding some properties

4 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-03-04 21:16

Gave headbg.gif and dot.gif (the dotted table background images)
a transparent background so they look ok with color page backgrounds.

0 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-03-04 21:07

Updated webloghead.gif to go across the whole page width (700 pixel).
This reflects the header table being a single cell, since the response.header macro
moved down to the content area.

0 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-03-04 20:59

Moved response.message macro from top right corner of the page
to the top of the page content area. The two main reasons for this are:

° It was very easy to overlook the message in the right upper corner.
° Weblgos with longer titles had the title strangely wrapped in the
header table.

This also requires an update of the webloghead.gif image (found in
in the application's CVS root dir) to look good.

12 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-02-28 09:35

only if weblog is public add new registered user to subscribers

4 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2002-02-27 16:08

added "create a weblog" link in navigation bar

4 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-02-26 16:46

No need to release database connection in logAccess() function
because it is managed by Helma and will be released as soon
as it's been idle for a while.

6 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-02-25 17:38

terminated <i> tag in search result output.

2 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-02-23 22:28

initial check-in

92 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-02-23 22:15

no message

34 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-02-21 13:14


2 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2002-02-20 06:59

corrected type in "Anville" (missing "t")

2 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-02-16 23:17

allow access to storypool and creation of stories if weblog.usercontrib is true (regardless if user is member of weblog or not)

28 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-02-16 23:12

allow access to storypool and creation of stories if weblog.usercontrib is true (regardless if user is member of weblog or not)

14 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-02-16 23:11

displaying contributor-navigation if weblog.usercontrib is true (regardless if user is a member or not)

8 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-02-14 11:32

added backslash to the list of invalid URL-characters

2 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-02-14 11:29

added umlaute to the list of invalid URL-characters

4 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2002-02-11 17:45

added links to macros/help/features/disclaimer; commented link to documentation.

14 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-02-11 13:49

rewrote text on frontpage

6 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-02-11 11:01

exchanged user.cache.referer with user.cache.referrer (correct spelling)

76 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-02-11 10:59

removed setting of user.cache.referrer in isVoteDenied()

12 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-02-11 10:59

removed parent weblog.allstories

2 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-02-10 17:38

additional bugfix

2 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-02-10 17:36

rewrote evalNewStory()

118 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-02-10 17:36

rewrote evalStory()

98 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-02-10 17:35

- renamed variable in isClean()-function
- added new function isCleanForURL()

30 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-02-10 17:35

- changed topicchooser_macro()
- added new topic_macro() that renders a link to the topic of a story

36 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-02-10 17:34

- renamed form-elements
- added action-parameter in form-tag

4 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-02-10 17:33

- user.cache.referer was purged at the wrong position in hac
- added assignment of
- temporary story-object is now passed to evalNewStory()

22 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-02-10 17:32

- user.cache.referer was purged at the wrong position in hac
- added assignment of

10 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-02-10 17:31

fixed a silly ui-bug (mentioning a button "delete" that is actually called "remove" ...)

4 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-02-08 06:54

border is now setable in renderImage()

2 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2002-02-07 17:25

added striptags in title_macro()

4 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2002-02-07 17:22

changed way how readcounter works (cached value will be written to database everytime the results are displayed)

12 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2002-02-07 16:46

moved convertHtmlImageToLink() function to weblog.rssConvertHtmlImageToLink()

4 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-02-07 12:58

removed encoding of weblog-title in

4 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-02-06 19:21

removed check if goodie was deleted from disk

12 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-02-06 19:20

removed check if image was deleted from disk

28 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-02-06 19:09

evalImg() - added additional check for special characters in alias

6 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-02-06 19:06

html-tags are stripped for weblog-title

2 lines of code changed in:

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