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Summary Period: 2003-03-07 to 2003-03-03 (Commits 2459-2508 of 4408)

tobi 2003-03-07 23:16

separated "front" from "page" for less resemblance of a microsoft product.

6 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2003-03-07 23:12

changed "Help" link to lowercase

2 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2003-03-07 23:03

added <p> tag around form

4 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2003-03-07 20:27

still fixed html where necessary to achieve maximum xhtml conformance; furthermore i tried to find a more expressive title for every page output (most of them were set to the site title only which does not help a lot when navigating with the browser history); last but not least many editor forms where adapted to gain a concistent general layout.

548 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2003-03-07 16:44

Default start page now uses that contains some info
and instructions.

6 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2003-03-07 15:05

replaced occurences of & in query strings by &amp; to conform with xhtml spec. the w2 validator is happy now.

104 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2003-03-07 15:04

edited textual contents

34 lines of code changed in:

robert 2003-03-05 20:26

reverted back to 1.23 (changes in 1.24 break antclick)

10 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2003-03-05 20:19

modified skins for xhtml compliance

38 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2003-03-05 20:11

modified skins to conform with xhtml spec

36 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2003-03-05 19:50

fixed bug in onlinelink_macro() that caused invalid html attribute (mode="toggle") to appear;
changed "link me" to "link", "place your comment" and "post your answer" to "react";
changed some cases of some words;
added id_macro() to get the id of a story (to display the code for the story macro)

30 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2003-03-05 19:47

fixed bug that prevented "add choice" button from working when its value was modified

2 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2003-03-05 19:47

changed second word of "Content manager" to lower case

2 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2003-03-05 19:46

removed stuff that belongs into corresponding skin from response output of searchUser()

2 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2003-03-05 19:44

fixed bug in link_macro() that caused invalid html attribute (checkdeny="true") to appear

2 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2003-03-05 19:43

changed econd word in "Content manager" to lower case

4 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2003-03-05 19:41

fixed a wrong html attribute (selected="selected") in renderDropDownBox()

2 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2003-03-05 19:40

added viewlink macro

34 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2003-03-05 19:39

validated almost every page (at least apart from the system management stuff) with the w3c validator at and modified the skins where necessary. furthermore i tried to arrange some layouts (files, images, polls) to better and more consistently harmonize with the general antville appearance.

328 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2003-03-05 16:00

Checked in improved dual-tone page design.

5 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2003-03-05 15:59

Replaced new Node() with new HopObject().

1 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2003-03-05 15:59

Added description, changed sitename and bgcolor

4 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2003-03-04 10:25

removed accidental double occurrence of %>

2 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2003-03-03 14:58

changed story editor text to lowercase to be more consistent

14 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2003-03-03 14:57

some more slight enhancements in poll appearance

6 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2003-03-03 14:51

refurbished polls; removed title property wherever it occurred; state_macro() is deprecated (but still working) now, use closetime_macro() and appropriate prefix/suffix strings instead.

108 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2003-03-03 13:44

condensed calls of escape()

2 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2003-03-03 13:38

fixed name of query argument "text" to "content_text"

2 lines of code changed in:

robert 2003-03-03 13:24

- searching now also works if user presses the enter-key in form (instead of having to click on button)
- renamed to and to

6 lines of code changed in:

robert 2003-03-03 13:24

changed some of the css-classes

40 lines of code changed in:

robert 2003-03-03 13:24

initial check-in: used for displaying system status of antville/helma

110 lines of code changed in:

robert 2003-03-03 13:23

- searching now also works if user presses the enter-key in form (instead of having to click on button)
- renamed to and to

6 lines of code changed in:

robert 2003-03-03 13:22

system setup now uses the of sysmgr instead of the root-version

2 lines of code changed in:

robert 2003-03-03 13:22

- switched to external stylesheet
- slightly changed the menu-layout

18 lines of code changed in:

robert 2003-03-03 13:21

- changed evalSystemSetup() to use the constant arrays containing default date format patterns

4 lines of code changed in:

robert 2003-03-03 13:20

- searching now also works if user presses the enter-key in form (instead of having to click on button)
- renamed to and to

6 lines of code changed in:

robert 2003-03-03 13:18

removed unused

0 lines of code changed in:

robert 2003-03-03 13:18

initial check-in: added stylesheet_action()

22 lines of code changed in:

robert 2003-03-03 13:18

enabled rescueing of story-values also if publish-button was clicked

2 lines of code changed in:

robert 2003-03-03 13:17

- fixed a bug in content_macro(): fetching a value from didn't work because the properties are prefixed with "content_"
- removed url_macro() - this is a hopobject-macro now

4 lines of code changed in:

robert 2003-03-03 13:16

- added a space between messages in case result > 10 items
- fixed indentation (3 spaces)

112 lines of code changed in:

robert 2003-03-03 13:15

changed evalPreferences() to use constant arrays containing short- and longdate format patterns instead of getDefaultDateFormats() (which was removed)

4 lines of code changed in:

robert 2003-03-03 13:13

removed url_macro(), it's now a hopobject-macro

0 lines of code changed in:

robert 2003-03-03 13:13

embedded managelink_macro()

2 lines of code changed in:

robert 2003-03-03 13:12

fixed indentation of searchSites()

66 lines of code changed in:

robert 2003-03-03 13:12

added managelink_macro() which renders a link to system management if user is sysadmin

24 lines of code changed in:

robert 2003-03-03 13:11

subscribelink_macro() won't render a link to subscribe-action if site is private

4 lines of code changed in:

robert 2003-03-03 13:10

removed getDefaultDateFormats() - this is not needed anymore since the default format patterns are now stored in a constant array

0 lines of code changed in:

robert 2003-03-03 13:09

- removed renderInputRadio which was commented out anyways (the real one is in global/renderFunctions.js)
- changed renderDateformatChooser() to use format-constants instead of calling getDefaultDateFormats()

24 lines of code changed in:

robert 2003-03-03 13:08

added standard url_macro(), slightly changed skin_macro()

24 lines of code changed in:

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