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Summary Period: 2005-07-22 to 2005-04-27 (Commits 4109-4158 of 4408)
Clean up and add comments to key event handler
13 lines of code changed in:
* Replace ActionList with more general LookupList
* Use LookupList for _properties and _formproperties
* Several small fixes and enhancements
180 lines of code changed in:
Fix Copyright header, replace Gobble with Gobi
4 lines of code changed in:
1 lines of code changed in:
added static method isAuthorized() that checks a request against username/password passed as arguments
18 lines of code changed in:
* db/relational/*, code/Page/*: Move version history from XML-encoded string property
to a separate collection called version_history. Introduce new mainversion_id column to
separate life pages from version pages.
69 lines of code changed in:
Add missing equals sign
2 lines of code changed in:
Fix Copyright header, replace Gobble with Gobi
16 lines of code changed in:
* Add HIDDEN form type
* Cleaned up getForms()
11 lines of code changed in:
Rename db source from gobble to gobi
12 lines of code changed in:
* Rename gobble.conf to gobi.conf
* Only register Page type at startup
41 lines of code changed in:
Add type attribute to script element.
1 lines of code changed in:
Rudimentary support for asynchronous saving
11 lines of code changed in:
minor changes in constructor argument handling
10 lines of code changed in:
*** empty log message ***
65 lines of code changed in:
Use lower case names for properties, update GPL header.
6 lines of code changed in:
1 lines of code changed in:
Fix bug, hopefully
2 lines of code changed in:
yet some more hacking on getDiffs()
14 lines of code changed in:
More diffEncode() tinkering
17 lines of code changed in:
More fixes and improvements to diff:
* remove unused code
* improve diffEncode() and usage of diffEncode() to only use non-breaking spaces if necessary
* fix bug in getDiffs() that left out lines under some circumstances
43 lines of code changed in:
Bring back res.writeln() in diff2()
6 lines of code changed in:
Overhauled diff functions: consider and display spaces in diffs.
21 lines of code changed in:
Overhauled diff functions: consider any non-word character a word separator in intra-line diffs.
55 lines of code changed in:
Do not convert name to lower case (unintentionally recommitted this with Max's patch)
2 lines of code changed in:
Fix GPL header (patch from Max Demmelbauer)
8 lines of code changed in:
Fix GPL header (patch from Max Demmelbauer)
4 lines of code changed in:
Change Type.renderEditor() to use the prototype's _formproperties definition
if no custom form properties are defined (patch from Max Demmelbauer).
7 lines of code changed in:
Add extra parameters to TypeDefinition constructor (patch from Max Demmelbauer)
6 lines of code changed in:
Fix various bugs in HtmlTextarea object
5 lines of code changed in:
Add border around <pre> elements
5 lines of code changed in:
Add min-height property to control bar.
1 lines of code changed in:
* changed getUrl(): throw an error if the argument passed as url is neither a string
nor an instance of
* minor bugfix in setProxy()
10 lines of code changed in:
added support for direct setting of (custom) header fields
12 lines of code changed in:
fixed linefeeds
447 lines of code changed in:
removed obsolete file
0 lines of code changed in:
fixed and improved loop_macro
14 lines of code changed in:
fixed toString method: don't return any special string, just call file.toString(), otherwise the constructor new helma.File(file, name) fails.
1 lines of code changed in:
reworked the client: it now uses standard java classes instead of apache commons httpclient (beginning with jdk1.5 connection- and socket-timeouts can be defined too). the basic functionality of the library is still the same, but the syntax changed: instead of calling getUrl() with a number of parameters now first instantiate a Http object, set the necessary connection properties (eg. using setCredentials(), setTimeout(), setProxy() etc.) and then call getUrl(url).
178 lines of code changed in:
added lost helma image
66 lines of code changed in:
commit of updated library package
0 lines of code changed in:
changed ZipLib.extractAll() to Zip.extractData() (fixes bug 422,
2 lines of code changed in:
created constructor function from helma.Aspects and added default instance helma.aspects
20 lines of code changed in:
re-renamed helma.aspects.js to helma.Aspects.js
52 lines of code changed in:
removed obsolete topic mapping
0 lines of code changed in:
renamed helma.db.js to helma.Database.js
0 lines of code changed in:
increased version counter to 1.1
4 lines of code changed in:
revamped whole library according to the following rules of thumb:
* use constructors instead of plain objects whenever possible
* do not hesitate to define static constructor properties
* prefix files and methods with the library name
* do not pre-define default instances inside the library ("let the app decide")
* try to avoid use of specific variables from within library code
31 lines of code changed in:
renamed helma.Aspects.js to helma.aspects.js
24 lines of code changed in:
revamped whole library according to the following rules of thumb:
* use constructors instead of plain objects whenever possible
* do not hesitate to define static constructor properties
* prefix files and methods with the library name
* do not pre-define default instances inside the library ("let the app decide")
* try to avoid use of specific variables from within library code
446 lines of code changed in:
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