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Summary Period: 2002-12-02 to 2002-10-05 (Commits 2209-2258 of 4408)

robert 2002-12-02 17:29

changed doWikiStuff: now querying for instead of (although this function isn't in use)

6 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-12-02 17:27

if root.sys_frontSite is set the site-object is now assigned to instead to

16 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-12-02 17:25

changed sys_frontSite_macro() because root.sys_frontSite now contains the site-object instead of just the alias

12 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-12-02 17:25

added new property sys_frontSite that maps to a site-object (set in evalSystemSetup())

6 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-12-02 14:03

use "skin" instead of "useskin" as parameter-propertyname

12 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-12-02 13:53

initial check-in

0 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2002-12-02 13:23

two formatting fixes

4 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2002-12-02 13:19 are now parsed, mappings to other prototypes are linked

40 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2002-12-02 13:18

added getApplication ()

10 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2002-12-02 13:18

added getPrototype (string)

24 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-12-01 21:19

rewrote text

18 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-12-01 20:46

initial check-in

0 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-12-01 20:40


0 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-12-01 20:33


0 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-12-01 20:25

merged need_for_speed branch

1838 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2002-11-28 14:42

removed CDATA tags; added xml encoding parameters, instead

62 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-11-26 18:56

Add random HTTP Query parameter to Image url to trick browser caches

27 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-11-26 18:51

Get the image directory from the app object - only use value from properties file
if it was explicitly set.

4 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2002-11-22 15:32

- click on showApi-button calls docapplication/read_action to re-read the
application each time a user enters the doc-frameset.
- function docfiles aren't stored in their own directory each but moved up to the
prototype directory, further regex-parsing of the resuting html-code necessary

42 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2002-11-22 15:31

server password is now encoded as one single entry in
(adminAccess instead of adminUsername+adminPassword)

12 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2002-11-22 15:29

use higher request timeout because rendering the apidocs
might take more than one minute on a slow computer

10 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2002-11-22 12:58

simplified editing of server authentication.
as changes to are now immediately read and accessible
from the manage-application we just have a md5-encoding utility and leave
it to the admin to add the values to the file. this makes
sure that nothing can be changed via the web.

changes to allowadmin are effective immediately too.

48 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2002-11-22 12:55

re-added access check to actions

64 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2002-11-22 12:39

lots of formatting fixes,
added functionindex to docapplication

436 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2002-11-21 19:36

major overhaul of the manage app's api-documentation functions.
things can now be rendered to static html, new helma features are
supported (prototype extension), everyhting is done in a nice and
clean way with skins.

1992 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-11-21 14:14

adapted check in autoLogin() because avPw-cookievalue is now created using user-password plus http_remotehost

2 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-11-21 14:13

avPw-cookievalue is now created using user-password plus http_remotehost

2 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-11-20 22:21

stripping tags from query before processing

6 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-10-31 22:23

- fixed a bug where the calendar would display the wrong month because the selected day was parsed according to site-timezone (eg. viewing day 20021001 would lead to calendar displaying september - see also
- fixed the same bug in monthlist_macro() too

14 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-10-31 22:12

days are now calculated according to specified site-timezone by using global formatTimestamp()

12 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-10-31 22:08

re-enabled setting the timezone in formatTimestamp()

4 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-10-31 22:05

false alarm ... reverting to

2 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-10-31 21:56

changed url of (see

2 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2002-10-26 13:16

fixed a bug that set the item title to "..." just because of missing item text

10 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2002-10-26 13:07

replaced "prefix" and "suffix" parameters in global formatProperties() function and corresponding skins by "itemprefix" and "itemsuffix" due to incorrect HTML output.

6 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2002-10-23 17:15

channel description is required according to rss specs and validator at

2 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2002-10-23 17:12

added extra parameter for date in iso format

10 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-21 21:51

reversed sequence of format() and activateLinks() in getRenderedContentPart(), otherwise link activation didn't work

2 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-21 12:39

Only create a new string in clipText if the text is actually clipped.
Convert argument to string in parseTimestamp since it may actually be a number.

16 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-21 11:25

Make direct use of DateFormatSymbols in calendar, avoiding calling formatTimeStamp()

30 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-21 11:22

Added getDateSymbols() function that caches the date symbols for this site's locale

20 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-21 10:22

Replaced app.__app__.logEvent with app.log (backport from

4 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-20 19:26

Performance tweaking in calendar_macro: use java.text.DateFormatSymbols to print weekday labels instead of calendar object

60 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-20 19:24

Performance tweaking in formatTimestamp(): Only use one DateFormat per request

50 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-18 17:51

Directly return integer values in those functions which return a boolean based on
an integer flag. This works well and cuts a lot of code, especially the parseInt() which
should not be necessary (if a string was assigned to the integer flag somewhere in
the code, that would be a bug).

32 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-18 17:43

Use site.isOnline() instead of site.isNotPublic(), which is much slower and
takes a user parameter which we aren't using here.

2 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-15 20:08

do the format() directly in story.getRenderedContentPart(). This lets <code></code>
work as advertised (i.e. everything within, including macros, is encoded).
Didn't notice any adverse side effects on the history bar or other elements so far.

4 lines of code changed in:

tobi 2002-10-07 18:27

fixed a bug that prevented search in private weblogs from showing any results

6 lines of code changed in:

robert 2002-10-07 18:20

bugfix: replaced macro-handler "story" with "this" because if comments would appear in search-result the story would be displayed instead.

6 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-05 18:09

Fixed bug that was not set in comment forms.

6 lines of code changed in:

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