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Summary Period: 2003-03-25 to 2003-03-07 (Commits 2509-2558 of 4408)
tweake with the "link" link and as macro prefix
10 lines of code changed in:
changed "react" to "comment" in commentlink_macro()
2 lines of code changed in:
moved commentlink macro back in the skin
8 lines of code changed in:
added conditions in evalNewStory() to provide backwards compatibility between justintopic and addtofront macros
12 lines of code changed in:
added conditions in evalStory() to provide backwards compatibility between justintopic and addtofront macros
12 lines of code changed in:
added conditions in justintopic_macro() and addtofront_macro() to provide backwards compatibility (ie. old skins using justintopic macro will continue to work)
66 lines of code changed in:
replaced "display" with "show"
2 lines of code changed in:
changed sys_email_macro(): use the current users email as preselection if root.sys_email is empty
10 lines of code changed in:
changed "frontpage" to "front page"
4 lines of code changed in:
wrapped " around site title in welcome message
2 lines of code changed in:
changed site title color to link color
2 lines of code changed in:
added link to site title (href is site url)
2 lines of code changed in:
added trim() function also where content parts of comments are set
4 lines of code changed in:
added trim() function wherever content parts are set
6 lines of code changed in:
* modified story editor according to hannes' screenshot at
* added addtofront_macro() to display a checkbox that works vice versa to justintopic_macro()
* always set this.status in storymgr/create_action() to let the checkbox "know" whether it has to be checked
(known bugs: when editing a story neither this nor the "comments allowed" checkbox memorize their state when an error occurs.)
56 lines of code changed in:
added some <br />s to decrease layout width (however, i think best would be to use a new table for each section.)
4 lines of code changed in:
changed case of E-mail to e-mail. it simply looks the best, imho.
28 lines of code changed in:
modified page titles according to general wording. however, the system section needs an overall retouch, imho
16 lines of code changed in:
modified page title and contents to conform with the overall wording in antville as well as the xhtml 1.0 spec (validates except one already known error)
60 lines of code changed in:
removed debugging output
0 lines of code changed in:
rescueText() is now also called if the publish-button was pressed
2 lines of code changed in:
added calls of rescueText() and restoreRescuedText()
12 lines of code changed in:
changed content_macro(): properties of (if existing) now override the storys property values. this change was necessary because otherwise the rescue mechanism for stories/comments wouldn't work propertly (see
16 lines of code changed in:
restructured evalStory(): now the submitted values are stored only after all checks have been passed. although the code is harder to read now it prevents changes to story-content being saved even if the user cancelled the editing process later on. together with the caching of story-contents this also might have lead to a difference between display and actual content.
54 lines of code changed in:
change "last" to "recently" and don't show the line if there are no weblogs at all
4 lines of code changed in:
Reworked basic inner story and comment skins.
Spacing should be better now.
Skins should be easier to understand and customize.
Used <div> tags wherever possibe instead of <span><br>
Checked for XHTML 1.0 Transitional validity.
124 lines of code changed in:
moved "... " and "<br />" as prefix and suffix param into macros
4 lines of code changed in:
corrected "Public" to "Publicly accessible weblogs"
2 lines of code changed in:
Unscrewable skin manager main page. Same as main.hac, except that it
uses skinmgr/ to render the page, which is (usually) not customized.
0 lines of code changed in:
Allow sysadmins access to all skinmanagers
2 lines of code changed in:
added trailing linebreak to achieve more readable html code
2 lines of code changed in:
added pagelink class to define margins between dotted lines and prevpage / nextpage links
10 lines of code changed in:
moved <span> tag around message macro into prefix and suffix, resp.
renamed "home" link to "antville home"
6 lines of code changed in:
modified global/sitelist_macro() to only render lists of recently updated sites.
thus, lists of sites sorted alphabetically are now rendered by root/renderSitelist() by extra call in root/list_action() making it possible to put response.prevpage inside root/
(note: the macro calls renderSitelist() with appropriate arguments and simply outputs immediately. maybe this is not what one could call a clean implementation?)
124 lines of code changed in:
if a day is displayed the title contains this.groupname formatted as date string. otherwise only this.groupname is displayed.
12 lines of code changed in:
message should only be inside a span tag
4 lines of code changed in:
changed .message class to tell it apart from body text (still looking for a decent color: it should not be the link color as it was before, though)
4 lines of code changed in:
added <br /> before submit buttons
2 lines of code changed in:
moved register and passwd reminder back to the top (!)
12 lines of code changed in:
Make "real" comments start with two # instead of just one to set them
them visually apart from deactivated options.
20 lines of code changed in:
Updated template for virtual host config to new hrefFunction feature
8 lines of code changed in:
Added href postprocessor function.
28 lines of code changed in:
Fixed indentation.
50 lines of code changed in:
Add line break for IE6
2 lines of code changed in:
* Fixed password reminder link
* Moved register and pw reminder link back underneath the login form (?)
* Removed comma from "not registered yet?"
16 lines of code changed in:
removed module-related code
2 lines of code changed in:
changed viewlink_macro(): now param.text is rendered if defined (before it wasn't because openMarkupElement deletes param.text)
4 lines of code changed in:
changed explanation of alias to match default behaviour of antville (appended "/alias")
2 lines of code changed in:
removed module-related stuff that got erroneously commited
2 lines of code changed in:
changed case of "Last" in update info
2 lines of code changed in:
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