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Summary Period: 2004-03-10 to 2004-02-11 (Commits 2439-2488 of 3188)
Print a better error message
3 lines of code changed in:
Update version to 1.4.0-rc3
4 lines of code changed in:
Implementing res.meta container.
26 lines of code changed in:
Use static final fields RequestTrans.GET and RequestTrans.POST for storing HTTP method.
18 lines of code changed in:
* Make setParent() access public
* Revert back to only check _parent for relational nodes in getParent()
4 lines of code changed in:
Check against dbmap NullPointerException in getParent()
3 lines of code changed in:
* Always set parent to null if _parent is set and didn't turn up a result
* Enable _parent resolution for non-relational objects if it is set
7 lines of code changed in:
Fix bug where infinite recursion isn't detected in getNodeHref()
12 lines of code changed in:
* Actually set parent to null if _parent is set but couldn't be resolved in getParent().
* Use <= rather than < to test if we should recompute in getElementName() and getParent().
7 lines of code changed in:
Revert back to revision 1.133 (except for improved comments and removed obsolete code)
23 lines of code changed in:
* Make setParent() return boolean true if the argument was accepted as new parent
* Use setParentHandle() wherever we don't need the new parent to be checked
* Backpedal from change in previous commit to only set parent for non-relational
nodes in addNode() and setNode().
37 lines of code changed in:
Add a check to prevent cyclic parent chains in setParent().
Only set parent for non-relational nodes in addNode() and setNode().
19 lines of code changed in:
* Allow parent info in getParent() to be computed for transient nodes
* Fix getNonVirtualParent() for transient nodes. YAY!
9 lines of code changed in:
Fix NullPointerException when saving a relational object that doesn't have a
property map (i.e. has no properties set).
9 lines of code changed in:
Improve error message in getURL(): send it to the application's event log and
include the URL which caused the exception.
3 lines of code changed in:
Only do anonymous/named check in getElementName() for relational objects.
Also check if child is relational before doing Relation.checkConstraints in isParentOf().
33 lines of code changed in:
Only call Relation.checkConstraints() in isParentOf() if the subnode relation does
not have a filter set, because checkConstraints() always returns false in that case.
9 lines of code changed in:
Improved documentation for checkConstraints(), adding info about its shortcomings.
Slightly improved method body by only calling getNonVirtualParent() once.
13 lines of code changed in:
Implementing path.contains(obj)
28 lines of code changed in:
Fix HopObject cach property getter to do a Context.toObject().
Remove bogus getDefaultValue() implementation.
9 lines of code changed in:
Implement isParentOf() method that is similar to contains() but returns boolean
true instead of the index position of the child node. The advantage is that we don't
need to load the subnode index for relational nodes. We're using isParentOf() in
getElementName() and getParent().
37 lines of code changed in:
Increasing version to 1.4.0-rc2
4 lines of code changed in:
Fix minor typo in comment
3 lines of code changed in:
Only write log message if cache size is other than default.
5 lines of code changed in:
Don't make getNode throw XML-specific Exceptions.
6 lines of code changed in:
Set implicit baseURI in bind() in addition to start() so that Hrefs are correct
after an application was remounted.
7 lines of code changed in:
lastModified() now returns a double value
added toString() so that filename is printed as default value
3 lines of code changed in:
cleanup in Application:
* make init(), start() and stop() synchronized
* suppress some logging messages if using default values
(cache size, preallocated evaluators)
* do not null out freeThreads stack in stop() so we don't have to worry
about calling releaseEvaluator() in stopped applications
* replace boolean stopped field with boolean running and add
public synchronized isRunning() accessor
* if preallocating multiple evaluators only init scripting engine
on the first one
* move invocation of onStart() from start() to scheduler thread
42 lines of code changed in:
convert all instances of Number that Rhino delivers
1 lines of code changed in:
* Work around Java/Windows quirk where File can't be renamed if a file with the
target name exists by deleting the existing file.
* Catch all Exceptions when reading XML in getNode, and rethrow as IOException
rather then ObjectNotFoundException (which is only thrown if the file in question
doesn't exist).
11 lines of code changed in:
Make class JDK 1.3 compatible by implementing our own stack trace to string method
17 lines of code changed in:
JDK 1.2 compatible jar from Jetty 4.2.17
0 lines of code changed in:
Adapt global seal() function from Rhino 1.5R5 from global shell object in
Rhino 1.5R5 to allow sealing of JavaScript objects.
27 lines of code changed in:
Update to official 1.5R5pre snapshot from 2004/02/17.
0 lines of code changed in:
Add Javadoc class comments
9 lines of code changed in:
Fix previous commit: do recursively invoke processXmlRpcResponse() on
contents of Maps.
12 lines of code changed in:
Add a branch in processXmlRpcResponse() to convert a Map to a Hashtable.
Use ...else if... rather then separate if statements for mutually exclusive conditions
in processXmlRpcResponse().
9 lines of code changed in:
MapWrapper now implements org.mozilla.javascript.Wrapper so there's no more
need for special treatment (unwrapping).
2 lines of code changed in:
Make MapWrapper implement org.mozilla.javascript.Wrapper so that the map
is autimatically unwrapped when passing it outside the scripting engine.
Added/enhanced some comments.
16 lines of code changed in:
Added Javadoc class comments.
14 lines of code changed in:
Do not try to read the main properties file unless it exists. There are usage
scenarios where there is no main properties file, so no error msg should be shown.
3 lines of code changed in:
fixed two bugs:
- string property values were returned as NativeStrings which didn't cause any
trouble in the scripting env but with re-conversion e.g. when sent via xmlrpc
- number values between -1 and +1 are passed as Double, all others come as
Integers. Yet we didn't convert Double at all.
2 lines of code changed in:
Add additional permission checks in order to find potential problems before commit()
Add some comments, remove debug logging output
18 lines of code changed in:
Rewrote embedded XML database to make it more dependable:
New records are first written to temporary files and only renamed to their
actual names when the transaction is committed.
194 lines of code changed in:
Adding logError() methods.
26 lines of code changed in:
Use getChildElement() rather than getNode() to check for an already
existing user item in registerUser().
4 lines of code changed in:
Set Content-Type header when forwarding to a local resource.
7 lines of code changed in:
No more need to cache a new group node, Node.getGroupbySubnode()
does this now if called with create == true.
2 lines of code changed in:
* Fix bug where fresh groupnode was not registered with nodemanager
when created from addNode()
* Fix bug where named child node wasn't evicted when the name property
was changed because we tried getNode() rather than getChildElement()
12 lines of code changed in:
Remove horrendously outdated document
0 lines of code changed in:
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