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Summary Period: 2003-11-14 to 2003-10-15 (Commits 2239-2288 of 3188)
Added two options for for directory indices and index pages:
<app>.staticIndex = true
<app>.staticHome = index.html, default.htm
Default values are (false) for directory listings and "index.html, index.htm" for index pages.
41 lines of code changed in:
Implement query hints as suggested by bug 306
39 lines of code changed in: not .com
3 lines of code changed in:
upgraded to version 0.5
5 lines of code changed in:
minor improvements in benchmark-interface
12 lines of code changed in:
renamed all occurrences of javagroups to jgroups
8 lines of code changed in:
renamed all occurrences of javagroups to jgroups
included COMPRESS protocol in default.xml
74 lines of code changed in:
renamed all occurrences of javagroups to jgroups
new jgroups has a COMPRESS protocol included which makes transfer of
very large messages (ie state transfer) ca 100x faster. therefore kicked custom
state transfer and switched back to jgroups' embedded.
75 lines of code changed in:
renamed all occurrences of javagroups to jgroups
1 lines of code changed in:
new rhino doesn't accept returned arrays anymore but wants Object only
5 lines of code changed in:
renamed all occurrences of javagroups to jgroups
12 lines of code changed in:
upgraded to newest javagroups-library
renamed all occurrences of javagroups to jgroups
62 lines of code changed in:
Clean up Java-Object JS-constructor mess: get the right
constructor and invoke it instead of trying them all.
10 lines of code changed in:
Update version date
3 lines of code changed in:
Simplify property access to only use node or nodeless methods, not both
Fix bug in getById() reported by Juerg Lehni
Throw EvaluatorException instead of JavaScript exception
Remove catched exception not anymore thrown by new rhino snapshot
44 lines of code changed in:
Adapt to new TokenStream constructor signature from rhino CVS snaphost.
Remove unused imports.
5 lines of code changed in:
Remove unused import statements
15 lines of code changed in:
Update to rhino CVS snapshot from 2003/11/04
0 lines of code changed in:
Update to Jetty 4.2.14
0 lines of code changed in:
Do not wrap primitive property values as objects when retrieving them - as objects
they are unusable for many purpuses, e.g. testing for equality via ==.
16 lines of code changed in:
Cleanup import statements.
7 lines of code changed in:
Make return values more "JavaScript compatible" (long->double, String[]-> Object)
to make them work with recent rhino snapshots.
5 lines of code changed in:
Cleanup import statements.
2 lines of code changed in:
Cleanup import statements
4 lines of code changed in:
* Cleanup imports
* Disable ContentEncoding for compatibility with Jetty 4.2
5 lines of code changed in:
By default use system class path in helma class loader, but allow for
-Dhelma.exludeSystemClasses=true switch to exclude it.
16 lines of code changed in:
Added separate constructor that allows for a parent class loader argument.
Use the standard parent class loader in the old (single argument) constructor.
13 lines of code changed in:
Remove leading underscore from JOIN_PREFIX since Oracle doesn't like it.
3 lines of code changed in:
Added a comment that tries to make clear the difference between isVirtual() and isCollection()
12 lines of code changed in:
Fix bug where collection properties on transient nodes are created over and over again.
Use Relation.isVirtual() rather than Relation.isCollection() to find out if a relation is a collection property.
19 lines of code changed in:
Updated version string to 1.3.2-pre1
4 lines of code changed in:
Use Relation's additionalTables option when building queries.
This activates the additionalTables feature contributed by Juerg Lehni.
35 lines of code changed in:
Commit parsed filter feature contributed by Juerg Lehni.
164 lines of code changed in:
Renamed invoke methods to make their use clearer. Some minor code cleanup.
20 lines of code changed in:
DbMapping: Changed most fields visibility to private
DbMapping: Change getPropertyRelation visibility to private, always use
getSubnodeRelation from outside instead.
Node: Rewrote getProperty(String) to be simpler and easier to understand.
furthermore, getProperty(String) now also returns child objects (subnodes)
making it unnecessary for calling code to also use getChildElement()
or getSubnode()
Node: Fixed NullPointerException in getElementName() for transient nodes
Node: Use DbMapping.getSubnodeRelation() instead of DbMapping.getPropertyRelation()
NodeManager: Fixes in getNode() methods, which now invoke each other depending on
key/query type
Relation: Removed unused arguments from constructor
Relation: Fixed NullPointerException in createOnDemand()
HopObject: Do not use getChildElement() in jsFunction_get() (see change in
HopObject: Handle case where jsFunction_get() and jsFunction_set() are called with
non-strings that should be handled as string, e.g.
cosmetic cleanup everywhere (imports, unneeded casts, unused fields etc.)
174 lines of code changed in:
throw EvaluatorException instead of RuntimeException to prevent Rhino exception wrapping
6 lines of code changed in:
Cosmetic cleanup: imports, unused code.
0 lines of code changed in:
throw EvaluatorException instead of RuntimeException to prevent Rhino exception wrapping,
change to new DatabaseObject constructor signature.
5 lines of code changed in:
Minor cosmetic fixes, changed constructor signature
4 lines of code changed in:
Fix import statements and javadoc comments
69 lines of code changed in:
Fix import statements
44 lines of code changed in:
Remove unused import statements.
Changed TypeInfo variable name from "info" to "type"
47 lines of code changed in:
Remove unused import statements and updated some javadoc comments
35 lines of code changed in:
Remove unused import statements and other unnecessary code
20 lines of code changed in:
Remove unused import statements
8 lines of code changed in:
Remove unused import statements and other unnecessary code
51 lines of code changed in:
Performance improvement in HopObject.get() by trying child object first and property afterwards.
11 lines of code changed in:
* Make JavaScript HopObject.get() return generic Node properties in addition to child objects.
* Added checkNode method() to refresh node in case it has been invalidated.
90 lines of code changed in:
Implement HopObject.set() function compatible to Helma 1.2
36 lines of code changed in:
Implement support for hrefFunction and hrefSkin postprocessing options, fixing bug 292
93 lines of code changed in:
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