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Summary Period: 2001-08-16 to 2001-08-10 (Commits 689-738 of 3188)
replaced app with "server, app"
22 lines of code changed in:
slight modifications in presentation;
replaced Hop with Helma
3 lines of code changed in:
initial check-in
197 lines of code changed in:
initial check-in
12 lines of code changed in:
modified example
3 lines of code changed in:
added example.
4 lines of code changed in:
initial check-in
7 lines of code changed in:
making nodes transient that do have child nodes should now
work, because loadnodes no longer throws the existing nodes
away to see if there are some in the database.
dump stack traces on getKey and getID for transient nodes.
32 lines of code changed in:
This is an Ecmascript wrapper for a generic
IPathElement object.
0 lines of code changed in:
registered changes to Evaluator and ESLoader classes
4 lines of code changed in:
Create a special ESWrapper for instances of
6 lines of code changed in:
Added helma.framework.core.RequestEvaluator field so that
ESLoader can construct a wrapper with the right prototype
for path elements.
2 lines of code changed in:
The basic operations now use the IPathElement interface instead
of INode: Path resolution in RequestEvaluator, skin rendering,
and href() function.
Application will check the rootObject property in the file and try to create a custom root object, if set.
186 lines of code changed in:
INode now extends the pretty simple IPathElement interface.
getUrl is now handled in Application where it belongs.
46 lines of code changed in:
Moved to helma/framework and finally being used
0 lines of code changed in:
Initial check-in of demo implementation of IPathElement interface
74 lines of code changed in:
Initial check-in of new IPathElement interface
47 lines of code changed in:
made sure node is not marked as updated in setNode unless
really necessary.
5 lines of code changed in:
Rewrote getSkin to be able to handle more than one skin manager.
55 lines of code changed in:
dbmapping now knows which of its properties
(if any) are to be considered skin managers
17 lines of code changed in:
notify dbmappings of data change when switching prototypes
3 lines of code changed in:
Fixed getSkin to actually walk down prototype path can now be set to other than global skins,
using "" syntax. This is resolved against the
request path.
21 lines of code changed in:
Fixed a bug where object prototypes were not created with proper parent prototypes
15 lines of code changed in:
corrected html entities for < >
1 lines of code changed in:
initial check-in
16 lines of code changed in:
modified example
3 lines of code changed in:
initial check-in
25 lines of code changed in:
initial check-in
28 lines of code changed in:
corrected xml
1 lines of code changed in:
initial check-in
14 lines of code changed in:
cleaned up
2 lines of code changed in:
inserted linebreaks between code and output
2 lines of code changed in:
modified example
1 lines of code changed in:
added missing <
1 lines of code changed in:
exchanged gt; with lt; and vice versa
4 lines of code changed in:
corrected xml syntax
5 lines of code changed in:
initial check-in
24 lines of code changed in:
getSkin now walks down the prototype chain the way it should
18 lines of code changed in:
String instead of SkinString
4 lines of code changed in:
initial check-in
88 lines of code changed in:
modified description
7 lines of code changed in:
corrected xml struct
1 lines of code changed in:
initial check-in
20 lines of code changed in:
removed a colon
1 lines of code changed in:
initial check-in
20 lines of code changed in:
modified example
2 lines of code changed in:
added note about unset properties
5 lines of code changed in:
added link to res reference
1 lines of code changed in:
modified description
3 lines of code changed in:
corrected xml
2 lines of code changed in:
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