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Summary Period: 2003-04-08 to 2003-02-18 (Commits 1939-1988 of 3188)

stefanp 2003-04-08 17:43

- added addDateField() and getDateField() to prototype Document
- made Query.rangeQuery() accept only js-Date-objects

44 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-04-08 17:41

- added addDateField() and getDateField()
- return ESNull if Field doesn't exist in getProperty()
- added toString() + getDefaultValue()
- moved checks in addField to FesiLuceneExtension

41 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-04-08 16:38

- ESQuery: swapped order of arguments. first arg is fieldname (or array containing
field names), 2nd arg is value to search

- cleaned up toString() and getDefaultValue()

19 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-04-08 16:21


1 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-04-08 16:21

- added Query.booleanQuery(), Query.wildcardQuery(), Query.fuzzyQuery(),
Query.newTerm() etc to create the different java query objects without
having to address the lucene-packages directly.
- added toString() methods to prototypes index, search and document.

84 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-04-08 16:16

cleaned up toString()

5 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-04-08 16:15

tiny syntax fix

1 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-04-08 15:07

only create Index object if there is a valid index in the filesystem

8 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-04-08 14:44

fixed bug that always returned an ESIndex even if underlying Index was null

4 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-04-08 14:42

improved error handling: methods of Index return true/false, Index objects have a
new method getLastError()

75 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-04-08 14:28

changed and improved index creation and management

34 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-04-08 14:28

- index object can be constructed without creating directory & index files
- checkIndex() -> create()

6 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-04-08 14:07

default language/Analyzer is StandardAnalyzer, now only hardcoded
in final field DEFAULT_LANG in

12 lines of code changed in:

robert 2003-04-08 11:35

added methods removeDocument() and clear() to index prototype

41 lines of code changed in:

robert 2003-04-08 11:34

added methods removeDocument() and clear()

21 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-04-07 16:02

example app

160 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-04-07 16:02

delete Index objects when an app goes down

3 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-04-07 15:59

- search function can handle a wrapped Query object (created via
from javascript)
- added __reader__, __writer__, __index__ properties for direct access to java objects
- using Result object instead of addressing Hits directly

30 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-04-07 15:58

added Query.toString ()

4 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-04-07 15:57

an object wrapping the result array from Hits object, so that we
can destroy this and the Searcher object

41 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-04-07 15:57

added method unlock to js-env, addDocument() and optimize() return
true/false - false if they timed out

22 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-04-07 15:57

created search method returning a Result object (which wraps the result-array)

13 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-04-07 15:56

added property __document__ for direct access to java object

3 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-04-07 13:46

added listFieldNames()
added checkWriteLock() + timeout-management
added getDirectory()
added getIndexWriter()

77 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-04-07 13:45

no message

17 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-04-07 13:45

added count(), listFieldNames()
var x = new Query ("de")

38 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-04-04 18:43

2 syntax errors

3 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-04-04 18:39

no message

148 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-04-04 18:38


348 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-04-04 18:38


46 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-04-04 18:23

Initial revision

749 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-03-18 10:28

Initial revision

768 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2003-03-07 17:49

Merging changes from helma_1_2_3

940 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-03-07 17:25

added access restriction. http-username and -password need to be defined
in as groupadmin.username and groupadmin.password

28 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-03-07 17:12

certainly gotta use the href-function for links

20 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-03-07 13:04

incremented to version 0.3.1

2 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-03-07 13:03

added info on group.log()

3 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-03-07 12:51

added build target for groupmgr prototype, include zip-file in distribution

16 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-03-07 12:46

added mountpoint groupmgr that allows introspection and control
over all groups configured for an application

192 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-03-07 12:12

group.getFullConfig() & group.getConfig()
switch to print properties of javagroups stack or not

18 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-02-28 13:12

accept writable and writeable as configuration properties

5 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2003-02-26 13:41

Merged in changes from helma_1_2 branch

1058 lines of code changed in:

robert 2003-02-23 16:41

- added target "antville" to create the antville-distribution (app only)
- changed target antclick (added zipping db_support directory)

43 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-02-19 20:24

print a version number at startup

3 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-02-19 18:12

remove() operations aren't cast in fireandforget-mode anymore which fixes

removed errorhandler (which reconnected the whole group when an inconsistency
occured) as this doesn't go together with fire&forget-operations.

7 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-02-19 18:07

removed commented out code

0 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-02-19 18:07

fixed a bug in remove() that would prevent deleting child objects with assigning null

2 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-02-19 18:06

made method group.log("asdf") available for scripting so that we can
use the groupextension's logger to debug the group extension. if we used
app.log messages turn up in different logs and aren't in the correct order

4 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-02-18 10:38

bugfix #223 in remove()
check if groupobject is replicated before querying the group for the property

1 lines of code changed in:

stefanp 2003-02-18 09:57

handle undefined in the same way as null values (ie delete the property)

1 lines of code changed in:

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