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Summary Period: 2002-10-30 to 2002-10-16 (Commits 1689-1738 of 3188)

hannes 2002-10-30 12:46

Always rotate tables if new table exceeds threshold.

9 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-29 18:39

Fixed parentheses

1 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-29 18:34

Set application checksum in ResponseTrans.

6 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-29 18:33

Added support for an application checksum which is automatically included in
dependency checksums/fingerprints/ETags generated via res.dependsOn() and

31 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-29 18:32

Renamed digestDependencies() to just digest(), which is more finger-friendly.

1 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-29 18:30

Added utility method to convert a long number to a byte array.

23 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-29 18:30

Implemented methods to obtain a checksum that signals changes in the object.
These checksums are included in Message Digests so that they change when
something in the Application changes.

22 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-29 18:27

The list of files belonging to a prototype is now managed by the prototype itself.
The prototype also keeps a checksum over its files which allows it to recognize
changes in any of the files quickly and easily.

85 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-28 22:34

implemented dependsOn() and digestDependencies() methods

45 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-28 17:50

Added support for ETag conditional GETs.

7 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-28 17:50 and do not exist anymore.

0 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-28 17:49

Improved error output in scripting engine initialization,
create a ResponseTrans that knows about the RequestTrans if possible.

5 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-28 17:48

Added support for ETag conditional GETs, streamlined support for
Last-Modified and If-Modified-Since

133 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-28 17:46

Fixed a bug that dropped some zeros in the message digest.
Added a method that directly takes a byte array as input.

7 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-27 19:54

Use buffered input stream in getURL

2 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-27 19:44

Added support for ETag and If-Modified-Since conditional GET

36 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-27 19:43

Added ETag and lastModified fields

4 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-25 19:08

Completely changed how XML-RPC invocation is performed. XML-RPC requests are
now handled by helma.main.ApplicationManager, which dispatches requests to the
right application. Also cleaned up XML-RPC access control a big deal, including it
in the generic application properties handling.
Fixes bug 135

87 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-25 19:05

Cut whitespace at end of file

0 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-25 17:23

implement FilenameFilter so there is no need for creating an anonymous inner class.

10 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-25 15:51

Updated antclick version to 1.0pre2

1 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-25 15:45

Included section about Antville and Antclick provided by kris (thanks!),
updated some bits and pieces about Helma like the system requirements and
the documentation URL.

50 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-25 15:29

Added/Updated Files to Mckoi version 0.94g.

0 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-25 15:27

Remove Mckoi 0.93 database files.

0 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-25 15:18

set cache size to zero (we don't need a cache when running in embedded mode).

2 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-25 14:40

A normal user can't start a server on port 80, switch back to 8080.

1 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-25 14:32

Updated to Mckoi 0.94g.

0 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-24 17:37

Initialize lastmod.

1 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-24 17:37

Updated version string

1 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-24 14:37

Implemented res.debug() method that appends debug messages to the response body.

13 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-24 14:20

initScriptingEngine is now capable of creating different scripting engines based on
the scripting.engine.factory property.

18 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-23 20:32

Install Jetty ContentEncodingHandler that does gzip and deflate compression on responses.

2 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-23 17:41

Check if onRequest is defined for the current object before calling it.

2 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-23 17:40

When a node accessed by secondary keys (accessname) is fetched but then found
by primary key in the cache, reset its create time to its lastmod time. Otherwise,
Relation.checkConstraints will (rightly) reject it if a filter is defined for it, since it
can't be sure that the filter constraint is still valid for the modified node.

3 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-23 17:38

Made created and lastmodified protected to allow direct access from NodeManager.

2 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-23 15:05

Change transaction name for error handler so people get less confusing commit/
abort messages (see bug 107, ).

4 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-23 14:46

Always abort transaction when catching an error in HTTP request loop. This is because
a new transaction is started for the error handling also, so if something goes wrong
in error handling, we need to abort the transaction.

3 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-23 14:00

Fixed stupid bug in SkinFile constructor.

5 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-22 18:33

Pretty much reworked all the Helma type management code.

356 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-22 18:32

don't forget to reset buffer stack in reset()

1 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-21 14:17

Use index of last dot in filename to find out the type of a file

4 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-17 20:46

Only decode path element if it actually is encoded.

5 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-17 20:43

Use a proxy to which only encodes when
there is actual work to do. This is necessary because
URLEncoder is quite inefficient (e.g. it preallocates
buffers and stuff), and we call it often with
short string that don't need encoding.

39 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-17 18:00

Implemented our own getPathInfo to use the decoding from
Removed old slack since we now have some guarantees about req.path.

42 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-17 11:34

Do not reset servlet response in sendRedirect() otherwise cookies are lost

0 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-16 18:21

Renamed variable in writeResponse()

18 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-16 17:29

Lots of code cleanup and little fixes.
redirect() now sends a 303 status code instead of 302 for HTTP/1.1.

94 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-16 17:28

Fixed bugs 131: "No retry code in ServletClient and MultiServletClient"
and 132: "helma.serlvet.ServletClient stops working after *some* time"
And also did some cleanup work.

47 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-16 15:25

Print/rethrow full exception string when an exception is caught from
NodeWrapper, since the exception message without the exception class is often
not very telling (e.g. "128" in ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptions).

9 lines of code changed in:

hannes 2002-10-16 00:07

removed final keyword which caused compile to fail on OS X (Java 1.3.1)

10 lines of code changed in:

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